Friday News
Dates to Remember….
November 11 Veterans’ Day no school
November 12 Parents Prayer meeting 6:30 p.m.
November 26 Early dismissal
November 27 & 28 No school Thanksgiving break
December 5 Early dismissal Annual Christmas Auction
Our auction is coming up soon. Some of the classes are pitching in money for baskets that are being put together, some of the classes are collecting specific items. Be sure to find out what your child’s class is doing. Also, remember that the students will be performing musical numbers during our auction so please plan to attend. We will be letting you know what we will need for donations of food soon.
Cookie dough orders will be delivered on Wednesday, November 19. We will keep you posted on what time it will be ready for pick up.
We have collected around $215 in offerings for Anajali school in chapel on Fridays. This year they are looking for matchbox cars for the boys as well as the other items that they usually collect (school supplies, fleece blankets, toothbrushes, shoes). Hopefully, we will have Mrs. Blodgett come and speak to us before her next trip.
This coming Wednesday, parents will meet at the church at 6:30 p.m. to pray for our school. We would love to have many of you come. If you have any questions contact Rachel Newer.
Congratulations to those students that made the honor roll or were chosen students of the quarter.